Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A little orcs and goblin update with and the strart to painting my Tau.

In the top pic is is the first to coats of green to my goblins and orcs and in the second pic is the start to my new Tau army. Im going to be painting my kroot with white skin something i have not tried before and i think should look quite good.


  1. That's a great start there on the Gobbos! I notice you have left them off the bases - do you have anything special planned for them?

    I decided I'd like to start a Night Goblin army myself yesterday, so I should like to follow your progress as I begin on my army as well :-)

    Your previous blog posts are very interesting too - and the Boss on Cave Squig is simply stunning!

  2. thank you for the kind comments and glad you like the night goblin on cave squig. I am hpeing to get the whole army up to the standard of the cave suig with matching bases that is why they are being painted without them. When you start your army send me a link to your pics as i like to look at what other people are doing.
