Friday, 30 August 2013

Thousand sons project

Ok so havent managed to post for a while some of the other projects are still on going and will get finished at some point but i have got some motivation to do some hobby again and decided to start a thousand sons army with Tzeetch daemon allies.

So here is a pic of what i have built so far

The fors so far consits of 2 squads of thousand suns and a chaos sorcerer to lead them in terminator armour. One of the aspiring sorcers is missing a head at the moment as i need to order more thousand sons conversion parts.

Also on another not im starting an Arcanists Malifaux warband which i will post updates for when i have them built so far it consists of Colette and the showgirls, I have also brought Ramos because i liked his model.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A little orcs and goblin update with and the strart to painting my Tau.

In the top pic is is the first to coats of green to my goblins and orcs and in the second pic is the start to my new Tau army. Im going to be painting my kroot with white skin something i have not tried before and i think should look quite good.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The next parts of the orcs and goblins.

Ok so next to add to the Orcs and goblins are a unit of nightgoblins with sheilds, spears, fanatics and netters. Also unit of Orc Big Un's with swords and sheilds and finally a Night goblin big boss BSB.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Hi this was a Night goblin on cave squig that i painted up to enter the forgeworld open day 2013 painting comp. To date this is one of my best models and am really proud of it even though it did not win on the day. There was some really good competition.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Ork Kopta build

This is the start of the Ork Kopta, Main parts so far are an imperial guard valkyrie and a space marines drop pod for the rotas. I know its not very Orkie looking at the moment but things will hopefully look more ork like in the next update.

Weapons wise im thinking of goind Nose mounted twin linked skorcha, 3 twin linked supashootas (this will allow me to use it as a Dakka jet in normal games) and 2 rokkit launchas.

Monday, 25 February 2013

A little update of the army for the tournament yesterday

The Spider riders, savage orcs and the mangler squig were painted by me and the Night goblins were painted by my brother, he also had a nice troll but not in the picture (the mangler was part of my brothers force for the tournament).

Close ups will follow within the next few days.

The tournament was lots of fun Tourny pics can be found here and results (our team Lean mean 'n' green) WE lost all three of our games but still learned a lot and this was our first fantasy tournament.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

OK time for a little update.

For the spider riders i have decided to buy new models as the other were gonna take a little to long to strip and seeing as im running out of time it was better to start from new.

Here is a progress shot of the Goblin spider riders. Skin is all done on the Gobbos and the Goblin Big Boss. The spiders have just had a couple base coats at the moment.

Goblin Big boss close up

I have Also managed to get all the skin done on the Savage Orc Warboss. I have decided to go with a slightly Darker skin tome on him.

Hope you like this little updates and again thank you for looking.